

1.  a written account of another person's life: the biography of Byron by Marchand.

2.  an account in biographical form of an organization, society, theater, animal, etc.
3.  such writings collectively.
4.  the writing of biography as an occupation or field of endeavor.

The directions for this PBL task will be relatively vague as the design and layout of the project will be completely up to you!  To begin, some of you may feel slightly apprehensive as you may be accustomed to being given specific directions for much of your school work.  However, when working you will often be required to design and publish items with few specifications.  It is our hope that this will be excellent experience for you!


Read through all of the details regarding this project before getting started.  This should help you determine exactly how you would like to approach it.  Note that all students will be completing a biography on a different individual and all projects should be unique.  Have fun with this and make sure your final product is quality work!

Learning Targets

Your completed project should demonstrate your understanding and effective use of the Word 2010 features identified below.  Where and how you demonstrate these targets within the biography project is your responsibility.  (Note:  You are not limited to these targets, but must utilize as many of these features as possbile.)  You may also want to consider the use of a Word newsletter template for this project!

Margins Indentations Tabs (Left, Center, Right, Decimal)
Bold, Underline, Italic                    Columns Alignments (Left, Center, Right, and Justified) 
Sorting A-Z Headers & Footers  Lists (Bulleted, Numbered...)
Tables Font Styles Fonts, Font Sizes 
Date/Time Feature    Auto Page Numbering                  Drop Caps
Clip Art and Images SmartArt Spell Check and Grammar Check
Hyperlinks Bookmarks Print Preview & Printing Back-to-Back
Line Spacing Page Breaks  Citations & Bibliography 

Biography of...

To get started with this project, you need to decide who this biography will be about.  However, before making this decision, you may want to browse the remainder of the page so that you have an understanding of the types of information you will be sharing in the biography. 


When you are ready, go this assignment in Edmodo and Reply with your topic selection (make sure no one else selected this topic first).  Think through the many choices available, both artists and athletes, to select the individual you wish to research.  Each student will select a different individual!  Sign-up is on a first-come first-served basis.  Note that most artists and athletes are allowed, but must be school appropriate, of good character, and be pre-approved by your parent or guardian!

  • Summary of the life and career highlights
  • What you believe to be this individual's biggest achievement.  Why do you think this is their biggest acheivement? 
  • What surprised you the most about this person?  Is there something you did not know about him/her?
  • If you could, would you want to be this person?  Why or why not?  Discuss how the positive and negative things this person has been exposed to would be fun or not fun for you.
  • What is the most important thing about life that you have learned from this person's life?
  • Quote - include a quote from this individual
  • Pictures of individual at various stages in life (minimum of 5); include picture captions for each picture
  • Songs, movies, and/or athletic awards and achievements (minimum of 10)
  • For an artist, include the lyrics to one song
  • For an actor or actress, include a movie summary and review
  • For an athlete, include the schools and teams with which that person played, beginning with high school
  • Works Cited - documentation of sources used (minimum of 3; remember to also source pictures!)
  • Other information as desired...

Just a final note before you get started...  Please utilize as many of the features listed above for this assignment as you can without distracting from the project.  If there is a feature not utilized, explain why you did not incorporate it at the end of the Word document you are submitting. 


Upon completion of this project, upload it to Edmodo to submit for grading.