Tab It!

After visiting the Warrior's Warehouse, you thought it would be beneficial to create a price list for items available for sale.  Therefore, you are going to prepare a price list for 15 different items and the price these items are available for.  These items may include school supplies, snacks, spirit items, and apparel items or a combination of these items.  Using your creativity and the directions that follow, prepare a Warrior's Warehouse price list.


  1. Open a new Blank Document and use the Save As command to save to your Word folder as (Last)'s WW Price List.
  2. Create a title for this Price List and format in an attractive manner.  [Enter]
  3. Set a left tab stop at 1.5 inches.
  4. Set a decimal tab stop at 5.5 inches.
  5. Key the following column headings, tabbing between each:  Item > Item Description > Price [Enter]
  6. Using the information you gathered from your visit to the Warrior's Warehouse, key information for 15 different items.  For example, you might list:  USB Flash Drives > 2 GB, Red & Black > $9.99
  7. Select the items listed and use the sort feature to sort alphabetically by the Item from A-Z.
  8. Format the price list in an attractive manner (your choice!)  Adjust the tabs (if necessary) to fit the information for each item on one line.
  9. Center the information vertically on one-page.
  10. Add a centered footer:  Prepared by [Your Name]
  11. Save and compare against the example below before submitting. 
  12. Upload to Edmodo!