Assessment Review
As you prepare to take your Word assessment, please be sure to review many of the Word 2010 features that were covered. As you take your test, you will be using Word and can use the "help feature" that is available. You will not, however, be able to use this website, projects you have completed, and/or your neighbors or classmates. Please note that there will also be one NEW Word feature on your test that we have not covered as I want to see how well you can problem solve to accomplish the task. As you review, be sure that you can complete all of the following tasks on your own!
- Insert Header and/or Footer
- Insert Date that will Automatically Update
- Change Margins
- Insert Page Break
- Insert, Edit, and Delete Text
- Find & Replace
- Modify Font, Size, Style, Color
- Apply Styles
- Insert Table
- Modify Table, size Column Widths
- Center Horizontally and Vertically
- Insert Clip Art, utilize WrapText feature, and Size
- Insert Tabs and Leader Tabs
- Apply Bullets
- Insert Hyperlnk