Fast Food Fun! 

It's a busy time of the year and we seem to need to eat on the run.  For this project, you are going to plan your meals for a day at your choice of fast food restaurants.  Think of all the delicious choices you can have!   Are you "Lovin It?" 

Learning Target How to... Additional Help
Creating a Basic Formula                 always begin formula with = sign                 Video Link 
SUM Function Home Tab > Editing Group > SUM Function           Video Link 
3-D Pie Chart Select Data > Insert Tab > Charts Group > Select Chart Type        Video Link 

You have a busy day planned and will not be home for any of your meals.  Fast food it is for the day!  Using the above restaurants as your options, prepare an Excel spreadsheet that includes your choices for the day.  Specifically, include the following:

  1. Menu choices for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (7 - 10 items total from three different fast food restaurants).  You may also include a "snack" if you so desire!
  2. Approximate cost of each item
  3. Formula to calculate the tax on the prepared food using a 5.1% tax rate and round these numbers to two decimal places (Price * 5.1%)
  4. Formula to calculate the total cost of each item (Price + Tax)
  5. Total row to add up your columns of data (Note:  Use SUM function!)

Getting hungry?  Now format your spreadsheet in an attractive manner!  Consider your spreadsheet title(s), font choices, color choices, text and number alignments, font sizes, borders, and tab name and color. 

Fast Food Sample
Fast Food Sample.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 192.1 KB

6.  Create a 3-D pie chart of your fast food selections and price with tax that includes a chart title and legend.  (Note that to select two separate ranges, you will need to use the Ctrl button.)


7.  Place the chart under the spreadsheet data and resize so that it is approximately the same width as the information above. 


8.  Include the percentage of your total money spent for each item on the pie slices themselves.


9.  Choose a color scheme of your choice.  Save!

Click here to continue with this spreadsheet!